Knowingly managed culture is often one of the greatest sources of hidden resources.

Organisational culture is a system of shared values and norms, views and opinions about the organisation and how its members should function. Organisational culture helps to create the feeling of identity, to attract and keep good people; it establishes unambiguous standards, rules and trends of behaviour. Knowledge about the essential values of the organisation and its members allows creating suitable systems (e.g. a motivation system) and satisfaction of mutual needs – the greater the overlap between the mutual needs of an employee and the organisation, the easier it is to achieve best solutions through an enjoyable working process. Conscious dealing with values ensures an organisational culture in which things work equally well in word and deed, where there is a greater spirit of cooperation and a stronger sense of ‘us’, where employees are characterised by high motivation, dedication and performance.
We will support you in mapping organisational values as well as in working out suitable solutions for creating, strengthening or, if necessary, changing the desired values, and through them your organisation’s culture.


One of the most important motivators for adults is their development. To ensure the best development opportunities, organisations cannot escape assessing people. Appraisal, on the other hand, instils fear. How to find appropriate assessment instruments and guarantee a reasonable assessment process that suits both participants? How to ensure the best balance between appraisal and development methods? How to arrive at the real training needs of a person (including how to get to the core training needs of different types of people)? How to make sure that what is offered meets the needs of the most talented employees/employees with most potential and supports their stay in the organisation?

From psychological and scientific points of view Psience offers assistance in the following areas:
  • the planning of human resource appraisal, including the selection of efficient methods of assessment;
  • carrying out performance appraisals to ascertain actual training needs;
  • working with different types of people;
  • working with talent;
  • testing for human resource development;
  • career management (including compiling human resource development plans);
  • mapping employee potential and planning possible relocation within the organisation (including support in the planning of rotation);
  • planning the succession of managers and top specialists.


We offer managers both individual and group development programmes for work with people.

The individual programmes include: analysing your own competence as a manager, motivation management, informed management of your own resources. Individual sessions of manager support rely on the techniques of coaching, motivational interviewing and cognitive-behavioural therapy.

Group development programmes include: managers’ primary roles in working with people, putting together a synergy-creating team, conducting successful performance appraisals, conducting difficult discussions, giving feedback, managerial communication skills, manager as coach, managers’ skills in using motivators that produce the desired outcome, change management. Group training sessions combine different methodologies.


Competency models help to define clear targets for employee development, and serve as a basis for employee evaluation, career development and often also for determining pay rates. Assessment is based on core competencies, identified by the organisation, which are expected to be represented in their employees. These are knowledge, skills and experience that ensure successful behaviour and define high performance. Competencies may differ between jobs, e.g. executive positions and positions requiring sales work. Therefore different competency models are developed for different jobs/groups of jobs in accordance with requirements of relevant positions. Depending on an organisation and organisational needs, different numbers of competency models can be identified (for example, it is possible to develop a competency model for managers only).

Psience will help you to create and develop competency models as well as carry out feedback evaluation.


Mentoring is a valuable tool for supporting the induction of new employees, guiding employees in novel situations, transmitting the organisation’s principles, culture and values, and employee development (supporting employees’ career and acquisition of management experience). It is also possible to apply mentoring between organisations. Even when there are no designated principles and/or programmes for the application of mentoring, organisations still employ it ‘subconsciously’ without realising it.

When developing and implementing mentoring programmes, Psience relies on a cognitive-behavioural worldview. We will help you to develop a mentoring system for your organisation and train your mentors.

Coaching is an essential tool for the discovery and best application of a person’s potential. A skillful use of the principles of coaching results in employees who are better satisfied with their professional and personal development, and also better satisfied managers, who gain time to dedicate themselves to strategically more significant topics by delegating more responsibility to employees through coaching. The outcome is higher professional performance at both individual and team level.

We will help you to develop a coaching system and provide support in training the coaches. We also offer companies an external coaching service. Our coaches have a background in psychology and/or sport, being suitable to coach both managers and top specialists. In the course of training and coaching sessions we focus on the cognitive-behavioural worldview and motivational interviewing techniques, combining them with various scientifically proven implementation models.


Pressure from the general economic environment, restructurings, and/or a decrease in business volumes may necessitate changes. We come to assist when company restructuring creates a need to find new challenges for employees.
Our outplacement program helps people quickly find new employment opportunities in the job market. We also support the company to ensure that all matters are handled legally and smoothly.

Topics addressed within the program include:
  • Structure of the entire outplacement process
  • Preparation of managers (legal restrictions, delivering difficult messages, etc.)
  • Supporting employees (redundancy counseling, refining skills and documents for application, preparing for job interviews)
  • Conducting internal information seminars (including sharing information about the labor market, social guarantees, initial counseling for finding new employment, etc.)